Why Seed oils are unhealthy

If there is one dietary change that has the most impact, and which most people aren’t aware of, it’s to remove seed oils from the diet. Everyone knows sugar and processed junk “foods” are bad, but seed oils are ubiquitous and I see them everywhere, including in so called “healthy” packaged foods and restaurants. The … More Why Seed oils are unhealthy

Why we all need to keep blood sugar low, and how CGM can help us do that

I’ve talked about using a continuous glucose monitor before as it’s something I think would benefit everyone, healthy or not. I saw this article recently, which shows that high blood sugar levels seem to “reprogram” stem cells in bone marrow, which develop into white blood cells. These were found to be more inflammatory than when … More Why we all need to keep blood sugar low, and how CGM can help us do that

8 tips for improving mood, anxiety and sleep

I’ve been focussing heavily on my mood and parasympathetic balance recently, after a few weeks of stress/heightened anxiety and also in preparation for the change of the seasons (which can often lead to low mood). Yesterday, my Oura ring showed optimal balance and HRV, and my overnight heart rate has finally dropped to normal, after … More 8 tips for improving mood, anxiety and sleep

Wild Plants

When I moved into my home near woods last July, it was exciting to discover the many plants growing around the garden. At that time the elderflower tree was in bloom and there were lots of blackberry brambles all around the garden. This spring, lots of bee-friendly wildflowers have popped up, and I’ve been foraging … More Wild Plants

Women, Exercise, And The Menstrual Cycle

For a long time in science, the menstrual cycle’s effects on everything from response to drugs, food and exercise was largely ignored as an “inconvenience” rather than vital information. Thankfully that is changing and we are discovering how the different phases of the cycle affect women’s bodies and responses to the environment. I have been … More Women, Exercise, And The Menstrual Cycle

Rest-Pause Training

When it comes to increasing the intensity or difficulty of weight workouts, there are two methods usually employed; increasing the weight, or increasing the reps. I normally go the increasing reps way, as I do the exercise (squats, deadlifts, etc) until failure (I can’t do another rep with good form), as per the Body By … More Rest-Pause Training